Sunday, February 08, 2009

AGM 2009

There was a lively debate about the club's finances at the ELTAF AGM on Saturday February 9th. The figures presented by Treasurer Emma showed that outgoings exceeded income by nearly seven thousand Euro in 2008. Although a loss had been planned to reduce the accumulated surplus, it turned out to be higher than expected due to an overrun on the catering costs at the conference and higher room rental costs for workshops. To bring the finances back into balance, the committee put forward an increase in membership fee from 35 to 40 Euro, which was finally approved by a large majority. The committee is also proposing to introduce charges for all workshops - mainly to discourage people from registering and not turning up - leading to increased costs through booking a bigger room than necessary. The picture shows the newly elected committee (from left to right) Bill (Advertising), Tricia (Vice Chair), Suzanne (Events), Liz (Chair), Deborah (Recording Secretary) and Emma (Treasurer).
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